
Step 1:
Let's find your school!

No Schools Found | Why is this?
Don't see your class?
No Graduating Classes Found
Why is this?
Great! Let's see if you're already in the system:

Seniors & Faculty accounts must be created by the school.
Please enter your email address* below to see if your account has been created:

Your account is already activated.

Please log in to the IdiomConnect™ App on your device.

Sorry. Your school has not yet created your account.

Please check back later or ask your advisor.

Good News!

Your school has created your account. Follow the steps to set up your login and purchase IdiomConnect™.

Great News!

Your school has created your account & has prepaid for your copy of IdiomConnect™. Just set up your login below and you're ready to go!.


That email address is associated with both a student and a faculty member. Please Contact Us

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